
Feral humanoid with enhanced senses that hunts in dark corridors
The Animal is one of the most feared creatures in REPO Game. Players encountering this monster should be prepared with the right equipment and strategy.
Like all monsters in REPO Game, the Animal has specific weaknesses that can be exploited.
High EffectivenessBright light sources can stun the monster temporarily
Medium EffectivenessLoud noises can disorient and confuse the monster
Low EffectivenessFire-based weapons cause minor damage
Fan Theories
Origin Theory
Some players believe the Animal was once human, transformed by experiments in the Research Wing. Evidence includes humanoid features and occasional vocalizations that sound like distorted speech.
Behavior Pattern
The Animal appears to follow specific patrol patterns depending on the facility level. This suggests some level of intelligence or programming rather than pure animal instinct.
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Monster Stats
Fan Poll
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